Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 24, 2010

crazy apple crazies

Anyone who got their new 4G iphone today is a crazy person.  Trust me on this.  I had work today at 6am, but I was a little early, so I got to the mall around 5:30 (I know... ick, right?) and the usually empty parking lot was mad full.  I was kinda confused, but I figured, whatever.  Then as I walked up to the entrance there was this huge crowd of people lined up and two mall cops next to the doors.  I know its crazy, but my first thought was totally "oh my god.  There must be a hostage situation or something."  Yeah, I've seen way to many movies...So I go up to a mall cop and ask what's going on.  He tells me all these losers (my word, not his) are waiting to get their stupid (again, my words, not his) new iphones.  Apparentally some of these crazies had been waiting since 6pm last night.  I have to say, I did feel way VIP when the mall cop unlocked the doors and let me in right in front of the crazies in line.  Woohoo!  At 6:30 the losers were let into the mall to the apple store (which was being all secretive with black material covering the windows) and put in two lines.  One for people who preorders, and one for suckers for didn't.  Each line started at the store entrance, and ended in seperate directions down the mall.  I had an excellant vantage point of this whole charade because my store is right across from Apple.  At 7 the doors opened, the employees ran out past everyone in line (all several thousand of them, and not I am not making up the size!) and clapped and yelled and acted like idiots.  When I left the mall at 10am, the lines had only gotten bigger, despite the fact that the phones had been selling for the past 3 hours.  For those of you who are familiar with the Arden Fair layout, one line exited Apple and wound around past Macy's and in front of The Children's Place.  So yeah, you people are all crazy!  And by the way crazy people, why are you at the mall at 10am on a thursday?  Shouldn't you be at work so you can pay for your expensive monthly phone bill?  What do you people do for a living that THOUSANDS of you can just take the morning off?

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