Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I feel like a kid on the last day of summer vacation.  Why?  Because I start back at work tomorrow.  I am so sad.  I really just want to stay on maternity leave forever.  I don't want to quit, just stay on leave.  Then I could keep my store discount, which really, is why I got m job in the first place.  Plus, I got my schedule for next week which shows me working almost 20 hours.  This confuses me a bit because before my maternity leave I seriously worked like 3 hours a week.  Seriously guys?  I can't just slowly ease back into work?  Now I have to freak out about finding babysitters and bringing my breast pump to work for my long shifts (of which I already have 2 scheduled).  Aaargh!  I wish my store would let me bring Liam with me.  I could carry him around my store while I helped customers, and he could help me by modeling the cute clothes and hopefully not spitting up all over everything (he would totally fail at that).  Could someone just help me win the lottery so I could stay home with Liam every day and not go back?  Do you think the cops will be understanding that I want to see my baby as quickly as possible on my way home from work when they pull me over for speeding?  I think that's a justifiable reason to speed, don't you?  I'm going to be a basketcase tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. there is a reason I'm moving to a country with a year of maternity leave.
