Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

guilty pleasures

Today is one of those mornings where Liam randomly wakes up before 6am and I know Jeff will not hear him cry and will therefore continue to sleep for at least another three hours.  Which means I'll have about three hours to watch guilty pleasure tv that he would make fun of me for watching.  Let's just say that I'm completely addicted to The Glee Project.  I never miss an episode because Hulu is pretty much my best friend.  Anyway, I was watching the latest episode (of course) this morning and I do believe my quote of the day is from it.

"I'm like a koala.  I can't be sexy!"

By the way, koala are awesome.  Just so you know.  And I say "quote of the day", but I really don't have one everyday.  Just one on days when I hear something awesome.  Like about koala bears.

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