Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 22, 2011


Mickey Mouse!

yeah, I caved and got a mom hair cut.  The deciding factor was me using half a bottle of leave-in conditioner every time I washed my hair just to not break my brush, and me paying for about a million bottles of leave-in conditioner every year.  Screw that!  Besides, now Liam can't yank my hair as well.  Woo hoo!

Sitting up (although cheating in his Bumbo chair) and holding toys so well!

"Oh.  Was I not supposed to gnaw on this?"

I know this picture isn't very good, but his eyes look so pretty here!

Because holding just one toy wasn't enough
My random updates.  Basically I have crazy short hair... I told the girl shoulder length and I was thinking bottom of the shoulder.  I even warmed her my hair would curl up.  Then I ended up with super short!  Whatever.  I like it now.  And I think my hair cut made me loose about ten pounds instantly.  Liam is getting bigger ever day (just about 14 pounds already!), and we think he might be starting to teethe.  He's getting a little grouchy.  Good thing he's cute...

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