Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 30, 2011

mom ears

I have super mom ears.  I totally hear Liam every time he cries.  Unfortunately I also hear Liam cry when he is actually silent but in another room and I think he might possibly be crying (hearing phantom cries is super annoying!).  The worst though is to watch a movie where a baby is in many scenes while your baby is (hopefully) asleep in his crib on the other side of the house.  Any time I hear a baby (on screen, from Liam's room, or in my head) I first think it must be Liam and my first reaction is to run into his room and make him happy.  Although I usually come to my senses half a second later before I have time to get off the couch it gets soo distracting and I miss random bits of movie.  Then I have to ask Jeff to clarify things and he gets all eye-rolly.  Anyway, it is kind of happening right now as we watch Willow.  I figured maybe if I'm going to be distracted anyway, I should blog about it.

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