Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

random somewhat baby related things

Ok, seriously, how cute is this teeny little Converse shoe?

I got a Boppy pillow, and like everything else soft in the house, Luna decided it was hers.

...and she took a long nap in it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

text messages

So you know how you'll have a conversation through texting, and sometimes, especially if the conversation had a long pause, you'll get a seeming random text until you remember it's the next bit of conversation?
Well, my mom and I were texting because I wanted her to find my favorite teddy bear for Liam, and I didn't know where it was.  Of course, my mom forgot what it even looked like (I guess I had a lot of bears), so she started texting me pictures of bears, and telling me which stuffed animals she just found.  By the way, I know this is random and disjointed, I hope it makes at least a little sense to read...
This is my favorite text that she send regarding the bear issue.

"I have paddington and curiosity george and a camel."

Awesome, right?  When she sent this, we hadn't mentioned stuffed animals for several hours, plus she apparently doesn't know Curious George's name.  And I don't remember ever having a stuffed camel.  Who has a stuffed camel?  Anyway, I found it funny and thought I'd share.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is there a whale in here or is it just me?

I gave myself a pedicure today and I kept running out of breathe bending my stomach in half to reach my toes.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

overload of cuteness

So I was being a bit OCD today and organizing Liam's baby clothes (all of which are super adorable!) by type and then by size.  Which, by the way is no mean feat, as he has enough clothes to last him through college.  As I was folding them all I was thinking how cute they all are, and then how much cuter they are going to be when on a cute (god I hope so!) baby, and then the sun shone into the room, so of course Luna walked in to check everything out, and then she started snuggling up against the cute soft clothes (which were also warm and fluffy because I had just taken them out of the dryer) and I almost collapsed due to an overload of cuteness.  And I really don't feel like waiting another three months for Liam to get here.  I'm going crazy already.  I already have his first trip to Disneyland all planned out (when he's 4 months old.  And that's really not SO crazy, because I was 2 months old my first trip there), and Jeff has already mapped out which sports and instruments Liam will be involved with.  Can you tell that Jeff and I are planners?  And way too excited?  So if you see me any time within the next year or so, and think that I'm crazy/ overly excited now you know why.

Jeff rocks

He seriously paused the movie last night and announced, "I feel like making chocolate chip cookies."  Best husband (and cookies!) ever!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jeff in the kitchen

I get really excited when Jeff wants to make anything in the kitchen.  Mostly my reasons are selfish (I want him to make me yummy things.  So far he mostly is just the king of breakfast.  Pancakes, crepes, eggs...)
Anyway, Jeff totally loves cheese and experiments, so when he got a cheese making kit for Christmas I was intrigued.  Last night he decided to make cheddar.  Now, I have no idea how it's going to turn out because it takes a day to make, and then at least a week or so to sit around and do its thing.  Also, I think he added a wrong ingredient, and he cut the recipe in half (I don't know if that will make a difference), but it smells like cheese, or at least some sort of dairy in the kitchen, so maybe he just made a different kind of cheese.  One thing I have learned so far about cheese making kits is that they don't quite come with everything you will need.  For instance, you are supposed to put weight on the cheese ball when it's in solid form, but you have to get your own weight.  Jeff used my bright orange 7 pound dumbbells, which are awkwardly shaped to use in the kitchen.  This has resulted in the breakage of 4 plates (so far), including one of our good plates.  This also means that I have found several puddles of whey on the floor from where everything fell.  Awesome...
So basically I'm happy that Jeff is doing stuff in the kitchen, but now our kitchen is a mess and this cheese had better taste amazing.  Yes, I know, I won't be eating it.  But everyone who does had better say it's amazing.  I just realized that being lactose intolerant is awesome, because if the cheese is nasty I have a great excuse not to est it.  Yay!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

like the movie

Is it pathetic that when I see Luna climbing all over the piano and sniffing it that I really want to lift the cover off the keys and have her play the piano like the little kitty in The Aristocats?  It would be so cute!  Wow, I really need Liam to get here sooner because I apparently need massive doses of cuteness to sustain me, and I guess I'm not getting enough.  Which is saying something, given the cuteness of my cat.

And in a completely unrelated note, have I mentioned that I'm never going to need to buy baby clothes, ever?  I just got more hand me downs today from the cousins, and I think even factoring in lots of changes due to spit-up  Liam will have time to wear each outfit like once, maybe?  His closet in insane!

Umm, Luna just decided that the empty pizza box I just set down next to me on the floor would be a great place to curl up and take a nap.  What a spaz...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

glass half full

The most positive thing I can think of to celebrate being rid of pinkeye is that I have a totally valid excuse to buy a new mascara.  Yay!

can't wait

I can't wait until we have Liam and he's old enough to walk, because Jeff and Luna are already gleefully chasing each other around the house.  It's hysterical!

Friday, January 14, 2011

movie night

Since I'm still sick (ugh) when Jeff asked me what movie I wanted to watch tonight, I got in a funky mood and told him "something funny that's not supposed to be funny."
And because he's awesome, Jeff picked the 1985 classic Commando.  Which fit the bill perfectly.  I swear, Arnold has some of the cheesiest lines ever, the clothes are all 80s awful, the music was sax-a-rific, and it co-stars adorable juvenile Alyssa Milano.  How could anyone not love a cheese-tacular movie like it?

Thursday, January 13, 2011


For anyone who is sick, I suggest owning a cat.  But not one who will try to kill you, like Tova's cat Duchess.  I've been sick all week and all Luna wants to do is snuggle up next to me (granted, she does like my comforter).  But even when she's not snuggling, she either hangs out near me and kind of stares at me, or she does her own thing (generally attacking her squeaky mouse toys) but comes in my room every five minutes or so (no joke.  It might even be more often than that) to check up on me.  She's like my little nurse.  She will even hang out in the bathroom with me the whole time I'm in the shower, and if I make pathetic groaning noises (which this week has been often) she runs up to me and puts her nose in my face and wants to know whats going on.    BTW, this whole, you're pregnant so your immune system currently sucks, and you can;t take medication thing is such a rip!  Argh!

the simple things

I was randomly thinking last night... By that I mean I was thinking of random things, not that it was random that I was thinking.  Anyway... as of this past New Year's Eve Jeff and I have been at our house for two years.  I know, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. (Trust me, there is a point to this) Lately I've been filling out random paperwork (mostly job apps for Jeff) that make you give your previous address if you've been in your current place for less than two years, which makes everything more confusing because before our house we lived with Jeremy and Alicia but we used both sets of parents for mailing addresses due to the sketchyness of the neighborhood, so I never really knew which previous address I should put.  I mean, you can't put three addresses down as previous addresses for the same time frame.  So anyway, now life is a whole lot simpler because I only have to put down one address now.  Yay!  And that's why the little things in life rock.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

from the diary of Luna

Yay!  Today was the best day ever!  My owner with the long hair stayed in bed sick all day, so I got to sprawl out on the comforter next to her and get pet.  Woohoo!  Then I sat in the window and looked at birds.  Then I cuddled and got pet some more.  Then I ran in and out of the bedroom as many times as I could in a few minutes, maybe thirty times!  And then I got to cuddle some more!  The bedroom is all warm and comfy.  We should do that more often!

Monday, January 10, 2011

songs starring Luna

Jeff has this new habit of singing random songs, but putting Luna's name in for random nouns.  Unfortunately his song choices leave something to be desired.  For example, singing "Afternoon Delight" about your cat is a bit disturbing.  At least he remembers what the song is about part way through and stops singing.  But then a few hours later he forgets and starts singing it again.  Christmas songs were also entertaining/ disturbing.   I mean, singing "Luna roasting on an open fire" instead of "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" is kind of messed up, unless you truly hate cats.  I'm trying to find some more kitty appropriate songs for him.  The whole Luna song thing is pretty cute, after all.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Taboo hightlights

A:  "If the glove fits, you must..."

B:  "Wear it!"

A:  Umm, acquit.

Also, a person who doesn't know about hockey trying to get another person who doesn't know about hockey to guess "hat trick".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

23 weeks down!

Yeah, I didn't realize my belly was so big until I saw this picture.  I still have 17 weeks to go!  How big is it going to get?!  Liam's already supposed to be the size of a loaf of bread!  I think someone else should take over from this point.  I mean, I did more than half the carrying already.  And I'm still not really warming to the idea of pushing out a watermelon!

back to Christmas

Several days ago I gave a bit of a Christmas teaser, so I figured I should probably make good on the rest of the story.  Christmas Eve was a lively event with the in-laws that ended up turning a bit white trash.  That, of course only made everything funnier.  The interesting stuff mostly started with a monther v. daughter game of beer pong in the kitchen.  For anyone who has not seen their mother-in-law almost win a game of beer pong, this is very funny!  And the whole thing was captured on video.  Actually, it's probably already on youtube.  Hmm, I should look for that... Then all the boys (this includes ages 3 to 31) went into a bedroom and several of them walked out later with multiple pellet gun welts.  Mostly given out by the 31 year old.  Of course.  Then one of Jeff's cousins decided he was overheating, and in the middle of the whole family event, he stripped down to basketball shorts and an undershirt.  Also, he supposedly took a shower to cool off at some point.  So random.  Oh yeah, then the 3 year old played beer bong against several people.  Don't worry though, his dad drank the beer for him.

Then the next night at my family's Christmas get together I heard that the night before, my aunt was showing everyone the (hopefully self published) book she had just written as was selling for $22.  It is a children's book with a story that revolves around a dead beetle.  I swear I am not making this up.  In a between bouts of laughter at retelling the story, my mom and uncle managed to tell me bits like, "Hey, why aren't you getting up?  Oh, that's right.  You're a dead beetle."  Unfortunately she didn't' bring it with her Christmas day, so I never got to read it in front of her while trying to keep a straight face, like the rest of my family.  My family wasn't nearly as funny as Jeff's.  Mostly just my grandmas making truly awkward and uncomfortable comments about my baby.  Apparently she thought I only would tolerate having a girl and she kept trying to tell me that boys are ok too.  It was soo awkward!  I really missed my tradition cosmo with mom before that family arrived...

Anyway, I know it's way past cause I took a break of writing for awhile, but I hope everyone had awesome holiday stuff going on.  Let me know if your stories can top family beer pong tournaments, pellet guns, stripping, and a dead beetle book.

Monday, January 3, 2011

the three little things that make sleep impossible

1. Jeff apparently only snores when Luna sleeps on his chest (which is really cute, cause when he breathes, all of her rises and falls with him noticeably), but still.  Snoring is snoring.

2. When Luna is totally unconscious sleep wise, she makes this weird breathing through her nose noise that sounds like beeping.  Once again, cute, but not when you're trying to sleep.

3. And last but not least, every night at 11pm, no matter what my activity level was like during the day, Liam decides he wants to play a very long drum solo in my belly.

I've heard that no matter how tired you are while pregnant, it doesn't even compare to the tiredness level you will have once the baby is born.   Oh boy...can't wait.  That was massive sarcasm by the way.

I'll be the zombie not leaving the house for a few months who falls asleep everywhere.

Yeah,... that sounds about right.