Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 5, 2012

here it is, a week overdue, Lia,'s 1st birthday party!

I picked a Pixar "Up" theme because Liam loooves balloons, but I wish I had had time to blow up more balloons than we did.  I was so out of time.  Jeff and I were already going crazy when we woke up last Saturday because (mostly Jeff) we worked really hard all the previous week making our house look pretty.  Then I had issues with my cake frosting which made my mom have to run to the store to regrettably buy frosting, and I had to frost the cake very quickly once the party had already started, so it didn't turn out as pretty as hoped, oh well.  Oh, and about half the guests arrived 40 minutes early, while I was still making the food.  And to top it all off, my grandma was taken away to the hospital in an ambulance for dehydration because she has the eating habits of a 2 year old and hadn't eaten or drank anything all day, in addition to wearing sweats in 85 degree weather.  That being said, I love my grandma and was very relieved that she was ok.  Although I was the one calling 911 which shaking and freaking out because she's 86 and she fainted.  You can tell someone is going to be ok though when you tell them an ambulance is coming and they comment they hope the EMTs are young and good looking.  I am kind of pissed that she didn't take care of herself enough to not miss the cake and presents.  The rest of the party went well though, everyone seemed to have a great time, and we ran out of food exactly at the end of the party, which NEVER happens.  As much as I like to entertain, and see Liam have a great day, it is so nice to know that the stress of the party is over, and the house looks pretty.  Yay!
By the way, sorry for all the venting, blogging is free therapy for me.  And please try to ignore the mess in these photos, just remember, people came early.
my little Tigger baby loves the trampoline

sad the balloons tied to the chimney didn't work, but this is more noticeable from the front of the house anyway

Kristin is amazing, she came early and helped sooo much, plus I love catching up

Jeff repainted our previously cream colored door for the party.  Isn't the color pretty?

he also set up our new patio tent the day of the party.  It's nice to finally have some shade in the backyard.

imagine blue frosting instead of white, otherwise perfect.  Skittles are so yummy!

I made cake pops (top right of photo) to look like balloons

Liam thought he was so cool because an ambulance and fire truck came to his birthday!

he ate the whole cupcake (frosting last!) only one year old I've ever seen do that!

best buddies (Liam, Vin and Beau)

my sweet birthday boy!

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