Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 19, 2012

how to tell that you are getting old

I graduated high school 11 years ago.  I know, it does not seem like it was so long ago.  Where did the time go?  I've been back several times though because my brother in law Jordan is a senior at the same school.  Go Falcons!  I (have to) go to every choir recital.  I actually really like going because Jordan, and the rest of the kids too have great voices, and Liam loves to dance to the music.  This year is the 10th anniversary of the Hollywood Bowl.  It's basically the end of the year choir show.  Since it is the 10th year, the choir teachers asked the choir alumni to come back and sing a song.  Since I'm going to the show anyway, and the chosen song is "Seasons of Love" I really couldn't say no.  So yesterday I went to the one rehearsal (the show is tonight) and Jordan is the only person there I know.  Turns out not many alumni responded, so the seniors are singing "Seasons of Love" too.  Most of the other alumni had graduated within the last two years, so they still seemed like little kids to me.  I naturally gravitated over the the choir teachers and talked to them. 

Do you know how weird it is to come back to high school and have far more in common with the teachers than with the kids?  So weird!  The choir teachers (a married couple) even have a son named Liam.  It was really funny then singing with the "kids" (who thought it was awesome that I'm Jordan's sister-in-law because apparently he's a hot commodity, and they were all jealous that I'm a mom with a cute kid who works barely any hours at a clothing store and really only for my discount).  I had a lot of fun at practice, and am really excited for the show tonight.  I really miss being in a choir!

It was interesting too, being with the "kids", because everything seems so different than it was when I was in school.  Everyone was texting and talking about keeping their ratios on twitter of needing to keep more followers than people they follow at all times.  And not a single girl (besides me) had frizzy hair.  Every girl had that "I spent 2 hours doing my hair and makeup today to make it look like I wasn't trying at all to look cool" look.  I definitely never put that much effort into my appearance in high school (or ever, really).  Good thing I had a steady boyfriend all through school and didn't need to worry about that stuff anyway.  Wheow!

Being back in your old high school is so strange.  And it made me feel a bit like Marshall from HIMYM (you know, life among the gorillas?).

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