Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 10, 2012

when you can tell your kid takes after you (or Michael Weston)

I love yogurt.  I eat tons of the stuff.  Partially because I'm a vegetarian who can't stand tofu, but mostly because I just love it.  Liam takes after me in my love of yogurt.  Oh, who am I kidding?  He acts just like me in almost every way.  Really, I think the only differences are that he likes chicken, he's photogenic, and he's always sweet.  He loves every flavor of yogurt. 

Today I was opening the fridge to grab some things for lunch when Liam saw some yogurt on the bottom shelf.  He ran (yes, he can run) to the fridge, grabbed a yogurt, and tried to run away with it.  This kid knows the drill though, so when I took it from him, he didn't freak out.  He waited for me to get a spoon, sat down on the kitchen floor, and opened his mouth. 

He ate the whole thing.  In about five seconds.  Without spilling a drop. 

And didn't save me any :(

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