Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope everyone had a great day!  Even those in Canada who don't get a day off.  Sorry Tova!  We went to my brother-in-law Jordan's high school graduation party.  Talk about making me feel old... Anyway, we had so much fun!  Liam (my little fish) swam in the pool twice, even going completely underwater without much more reaction than coughing a little afterwards.  Pictures coming soon, BTW.  Liam ran around like crazy playing with all the friends and family.  When Jeff and I left for an hour we came back to a baby who had adult cousins feeding him red vines!  Which he now loves, of course.  He never eats candy, and then two days in a row... He had pink stains on his little Hawaiian shirt, and was super happy!  And apparently someone let him play in the pool with his leather shoes on, but whatever... Anyway, we had a great time.  Liam who normally goes to sleep between 8-10pm fell asleep in his carseat on the way home at 5pm.  As I write this, it is 9:45pm and he is in his crib, still asleep.  Wow.  Although, I'm a bit nervous that he'll wake up for good at like 3am, and that would kinda suck.  Oh well, he looks so adorable curled up in his crib still in his Hawaiian shirt.   :)

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