Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 27, 2012

never a dull moment

this is a child... (with unintentional Tintin hair.  Heehee!)
 This is a child on sugar.  (As of today, Liam can pull out a dining room chair, climb onto it, and then climb onto the dining room table.  He did it in just a few seconds while I was stirring dinner!).  He also climbed onto the kitchen counter from the couch (twice!)
 So here's the story.  Liam was sleeping on my lap while Jeff was watering the garden.  I laid him down on the couch, still asleep while I left the room for a minute.  When I came back a minute later Liam had woken up and was sitting on the couch eating a chocolate bar Jeff had left on the cushion.  By the way, it was a 85% dark chocolate bar!  I was laughing so hard it took me a minute to take the chocolate from him!  He did eat about 4 squares though, and was a bit crazy (Jeff called it bi-polar) for a few hours afterwards.

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