Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

with great power comes great responsibility

Ok, so its probably not a normal thought, but doing gardening has never been my favorite thing.  Not because its dirty or messy, but because I feel bad for the worms.  I did a tooooon of weeding this weekend to make the yard presentable for Liam's first birthday party and I learned that there are about 4,000,000,000 worms just in our backyard.  Every time I pulled up a weed I'd feel guilty because at least a few worms would come up with the roots and either freak out or crawl over to attack me (I'm assuming at least).  To make this weirder, I'm totally not even a fan of worms.  I know they are helpful in the garden, but they gross me out and I'm never touched one.  Eew.  But still, moving them from their homes in the roots makes me want to build them a nice replacement home, like a birdhouse mansion but with dirt inside.  Worms would like that, right?

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