Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I've seen weirder. But still...

Every once in a while I get bored and look up the search keywords that led people to my blog.  Today I've got to say that my new favorite keywords are "caterpillar baby faces".  Was someone trying to find caterpillar pictures with baby faces instead of caterpillar faces?  Or possibly some babies whose faces look like those of caterpillars?  And really, what does a caterpillar face look like?  I'm so intrigued.  After all, the only time I've mentioned caterpillars in my blog has been to mention one being friends with a mouse muffin on Liam's onesie.

It still makes me laugh inside that my blog about afternoon delight (the dessert, not the kind in the song) is totally my number one read post.  All the dirty people go to that post expecting not to read about my want of fluffy dessert... Mwah Ha Ha (that was my evil laugh).  It is really the little things that make life awesome.  Like screwing with people through deceptive blog post titles. 

By the way, curiosity got the better of me.  This is what a caterpillar's face looks like.  I sincerely hope no baby's face looks like this.  Because that would be one totally hideous baby.

guilty pleasures

Today is one of those mornings where Liam randomly wakes up before 6am and I know Jeff will not hear him cry and will therefore continue to sleep for at least another three hours.  Which means I'll have about three hours to watch guilty pleasure tv that he would make fun of me for watching.  Let's just say that I'm completely addicted to The Glee Project.  I never miss an episode because Hulu is pretty much my best friend.  Anyway, I was watching the latest episode (of course) this morning and I do believe my quote of the day is from it.

"I'm like a koala.  I can't be sexy!"

By the way, koala are awesome.  Just so you know.  And I say "quote of the day", but I really don't have one everyday.  Just one on days when I hear something awesome.  Like about koala bears.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

mom ears

I have super mom ears.  I totally hear Liam every time he cries.  Unfortunately I also hear Liam cry when he is actually silent but in another room and I think he might possibly be crying (hearing phantom cries is super annoying!).  The worst though is to watch a movie where a baby is in many scenes while your baby is (hopefully) asleep in his crib on the other side of the house.  Any time I hear a baby (on screen, from Liam's room, or in my head) I first think it must be Liam and my first reaction is to run into his room and make him happy.  Although I usually come to my senses half a second later before I have time to get off the couch it gets soo distracting and I miss random bits of movie.  Then I have to ask Jeff to clarify things and he gets all eye-rolly.  Anyway, it is kind of happening right now as we watch Willow.  I figured maybe if I'm going to be distracted anyway, I should blog about it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I feel like a kid on the last day of summer vacation.  Why?  Because I start back at work tomorrow.  I am so sad.  I really just want to stay on maternity leave forever.  I don't want to quit, just stay on leave.  Then I could keep my store discount, which really, is why I got m job in the first place.  Plus, I got my schedule for next week which shows me working almost 20 hours.  This confuses me a bit because before my maternity leave I seriously worked like 3 hours a week.  Seriously guys?  I can't just slowly ease back into work?  Now I have to freak out about finding babysitters and bringing my breast pump to work for my long shifts (of which I already have 2 scheduled).  Aaargh!  I wish my store would let me bring Liam with me.  I could carry him around my store while I helped customers, and he could help me by modeling the cute clothes and hopefully not spitting up all over everything (he would totally fail at that).  Could someone just help me win the lottery so I could stay home with Liam every day and not go back?  Do you think the cops will be understanding that I want to see my baby as quickly as possible on my way home from work when they pull me over for speeding?  I think that's a justifiable reason to speed, don't you?  I'm going to be a basketcase tomorrow.

my new two favorite photos of all time

my all-time favorite picture of Liam.

Liam's first time at a playground & the swings.
I know these are both on my facebook page, but not everyone checks facebook obsessively like I tend to do, so I figured I should probably add them here too.

how to truly wake up in the morning

step 1: don't stir your sugar and milk loaded coffee very well (because you are lazy or still very much asleep).

step 2: chug your coffee because you are running out of time and you need your caffeine quickly.

step 3: reach the bottom of your mug not realizing how poorly it was stirred.

step4: nearly choke on the overwhelming large amount of sugar you added to your coffee in your sleepy stupor.


I want my coffee to look as cool as these:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

mouse muffin is not a typo

It was fairly hot the other day so I decided to put Liam in one of his thinnest onesies.  I really didn't pay any attention to the picture on the front.  When I handed Liam to Jeff (who was way more observant than me for once) he said "Why is my son wearing a mouse muffin?"  I looked and agreed that this is the weirdest thing ever.  A onesie with a caterpillar and a mouse muffin.  Huh.

I still can't decide if the mouse muffin and the caterpillar are friends, or if the caterpillar wants to eat the mouse muffin.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Mickey Mouse!

yeah, I caved and got a mom hair cut.  The deciding factor was me using half a bottle of leave-in conditioner every time I washed my hair just to not break my brush, and me paying for about a million bottles of leave-in conditioner every year.  Screw that!  Besides, now Liam can't yank my hair as well.  Woo hoo!

Sitting up (although cheating in his Bumbo chair) and holding toys so well!

"Oh.  Was I not supposed to gnaw on this?"

I know this picture isn't very good, but his eyes look so pretty here!

Because holding just one toy wasn't enough
My random updates.  Basically I have crazy short hair... I told the girl shoulder length and I was thinking bottom of the shoulder.  I even warmed her my hair would curl up.  Then I ended up with super short!  Whatever.  I like it now.  And I think my hair cut made me loose about ten pounds instantly.  Liam is getting bigger ever day (just about 14 pounds already!), and we think he might be starting to teethe.  He's getting a little grouchy.  Good thing he's cute...

love it

Only the best (and cutest) husbands change the lyrics of "Truly Scrumptious" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
to "Drooling Baby".  Highly entertaining I assure you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

you know you're a huge nerd when...

the first three songs played when you turn on Pandora are:
1. My Cup (from Glee)
2. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
3. Defying Gravity


Saturday, July 16, 2011

sad little nerd

I am currently a sad little nerd.  It is now officially the first time IN 10 YEARS that I have not seen a Harry Potter on opening day.  This includes the time Jeff and I saw a Harry Potter movie on opening day while on vacation in Maui.  Everyone made fun of us for that one, but it was awesome.  But Jeff is in Yosemite this weekend being crazy and climbing Half Dome with a hurt knee.  So I have to wait until he gets back tomorrow night to see it because it is SO not worth the grief I would get from Jeff for going without him.

Lake Tahoe

This past week Jeff and I went on a family trip to Lake Tahoe with his family.  We had a great time.  Liam and I even went hiking!  Jeff doesn't count in that because it is no surprise to anyone if he hikes.  Liam and myself are another story...  Anyway, it was nice to relax and get away from the hot Sacramento temperatures.
the freeway

me and the droolmaster

Emerald Bay

my boys!

Eagle Lake

the boys were so funny when they realized they were riding next to each other

the boys happened to be wearing the only alligator shirts each of them owned

Jeff calls Liam a hillbilly in these overalls because I didn't put a shirt on him

Liam in his "Gilligan" hat on Lake Tahoe

having a stroller conversation with his Winnie the Pooh

Sunday, July 10, 2011

baby faces

When did my baby turn Asian?

This is my Angelina Jolie impression.

What is going on?

Um , am I supposed to laugh or cry right now?


Who are you and what are you doing?

pictures tell a story

I think I might try to eat my hand.

Yeah!  I'm totally doing it!

Oops.  You caught me

Ah, who cares.  It's funny now.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Because of Tova I am totally obsessed with Pioneer Woman.  Now I just found out she wrote a regular book besides her childrens book and cookbook.  Must read...

Also, I must start working out more, or not make any pioneer woman recipes.  She uses so much butter that I feel like I'd have an instant heart attack if I use any of her recipes.  They look so good though, and I'm still obsessed with her anyway.

Friday, July 8, 2011

why Jeff is not allowed to choose baby names

Jeff: So if we ever have a girl I totally know what we're naming her.

me: (hesitantly) what?

Jeff: Ok, well this name only works if we have a black baby.  Uniqua.

me: Seriously?

Jeff: Totally.  But only if we have a black baby.

me:  Well, the two of us will never have a black baby, so sure.  We can name her Uniqua.

Jeff:  Is it legal for someone to adopt a baby without telling their spouse?

me: No.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

perks of parenthood

I am no longer embarrassed  by most of the music on my ipod.  Let's just say it contains a fair amount of Disney and teenybopper music that even my close friends would tell me is dorky.  But now I can say, "Oh, I have that on my ipod for Liam.  He loves to dance to it."  Liam is cooler than me already.  He actually likes everything from Baby Einstein to the Book of Mormon soundtrack.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

you know you're a parent when... is not unheard of for you to end a phone conversation by saying "um, gotta go, I just got peed on."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th! (on the 5th...)

So the fourth was fun.  We hung with the family and blew up a little part of the country we're celebrating.  Then we literally sang the country happy birthday.  So random, but a fun day.

Liam wouldn't take his eyes off the fireworks.  During explosion lulls he got annoyed.  I kid you not.

twins blowing things up