Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

criminal help

so I was kinda bored and I started thinking, since shows like CSI and Castle are on all the time, do criminals watch them and take notes of stupid mistakes they could avoid making in future crimes?  or do they think they are too cool to watch semi-cheesy cop dramas?  Because I know if I was an evil genius I would be hatching the perfect crime.  But seriously, have criminals just gotten dumber or what?  You rarely hear of smart criminals that leave no evidence, etc.  All they have to do is watch a few hours of "instructional for them" cop dramas and they would have a much longer evil career.  Just saying...

1 comment:

  1. the secret is to watch csi and get a chemistry degree. then you know how to actually handle forensics. not that i'd know.
