Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 27, 2011

confusing products

We were given a baby bath chair (possibly one of the most pointless baby purchases ever in my opinion because by the time the baby is big enough to fit in this chair, they are big enough not to need one) that was the brand "Safety 1st".  However, this greatly confused Jeff because a huge notice posted right by the brand name states "This is not a safety device."  The chair also states that children can drown while using it.

My thoughts run along the lines of wondering how much water someone would put in the tub while giving their baby a bath?  I mean, you're only supposed to fill a few inches.  Are kids drowning because their parents are filling tubs up to the brim?  Because there is no way possible for a baby to drown while strapped in a chair in 2 inches of water.  Even if the baby was a contortionist it couldn't bend itself down enough to purposefully frown in a chair in two inches of water.  And if they could, then the chair really isn't safe, and the brand name would be even more laughable.

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