Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Third Trimester

So I've decided that as I only have 12 weeks left, the kid should just pop out now.  I mean, it'd be easier on everyone because he'd be like, 5 pounds lighter, and then he could keep me company during the day so I wouldn't be bored.  Plus, my stomach is huge, and I would really prefer it not to get huger (yes, that totally is a real word.  Ok, not really, but it should be).  I mean, I already can't see anything south of my belly button when I look down.  My toes have disappeared!  Plus, his room is almost done, so it's not like he'd have to sleep in a cardboard box for the first week or so like I did (thanks for that Grandma!).

Total random other story now, the cardboard box.
I was born three weeks early and randomly both sets of grandparents were in Lake Tahoe, not even together, which makes it even more random.  But whatever... My Grandma had ordered the crib for my parents but she hadn't had it delivered from the store yet because she saw no need to have a crib until the second the baby was supposed to arrive.  I know really know what her thought process on that was.  I mean, if the crib was ready, why couldn't it just be delivered early?  Anyway, my parents couldn't get a hold of my Grandma, and the store would only release the crib to my Grandma.  So, for several days after I came home from the hospital, I slept in a cardboard box.  Apparently it wasn't so bad though because my dad lined it with about twenty blankets and pillows.

This is the story that made me become massively overly prepared.  I've had my crib and bedding set up for at least a month now, and if Liam were to be born tomorrow, his room would really only be missing a bookshelf.  Hardly necessary for a newborn anyway.

Also, my dad was a boy scout and he has been drilling "Be prepared!" into my head since I could first understand words.  No joke.

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