Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best gift ever

The best gift to give your foot obsessed cat is a pair of your old bunny slippers.  They look like stuffed animals, but they smell like feet.  I swear, my cat is a freak.  Offer her a choice of:

A) something awesome that any cat would love


B) a pair of really nasty smelling gym shoes that she could nuzzle

She will go for B every time.  Seriously, I have watched Jeff take off a pair of sneakers that he's been wearing all day, and the second he walked away Luna stuck her whole head into one of the shoes and just stayed there for a few minutes.  Like a disgusting version of an ostrich.

1 comment:

  1. Dutchess likes morning breath/ coffee breath. She puts her whole head in your mouth. I wish it was my shoes.
