Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 12, 2010

yay! crib!

So our crib came in today.  Yeah, I know.  It's still really early.  I hit mid pregnancy (week 20) tomorrow.  But what can I say?  I like to be prepared.  Anyway, my parents dropped our crib off at our house.  BTW, it's so nice knowing people with huge cars.  I mean, both our parents and Jeremy have huge cars and Jeff and I both have compacts.  So back to the main story... Less than an hour after it was dropped off, Jeff and I had it out of the box in Liam's future room and had it fully assembled.  Yay!  It looks so nice.  Well, I mean, it will look better when we get a mattress and mom gives us the bedding, but I'm still sooo excited.  It's our first piece of baby furniture.  So once again, yay!

Pictures to come once the mattress and bedding come.

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