Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

customer support rant

OMG!  I've been on the phone with AT&T trying to change our service, and I got a nube.  I'm really hoping that it's this girl's first day on the job, because she is clueless.  She had to put me on hold several times in the very beginning, before I ever gave her any information, because she was confused.  Then, after reading her our account number three times, she told me it didn't exist.  Really?  And I know my diction isn't perfect, but I try to speak as clearly as possible on the phone.  I had to repeat EVERYTHING for her at least three times.  Then she got confused again about what I wanted, read me my options from a script with many many pauses in between, and kept forgetting to differentiate between home phone and cell phone options.  Plus, I could hear another person in the background feeding her info.  Um, couldn't I just talk to the person who knows what they are talking about instead?  Then, the girl started offering packages that don't exist, then changing (she did that several times, in between the many long pauses), then she gave me a support number with a digit missing, and got confused when I asked her to repeat the number.  She did a bunch of other screwy things too, and once again I hope that today was her first a trainee.

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