Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Let me just say that I'm am mad impressed with Jeff's ability to be good at everything.  With the exception of his utter lack of confidence.  Anyway, this was brought on because yesterday he changed two of my car's front headlights.  Jeff has no training with cars, and my manual was helpful enough to say  "How to change the headlights: take the vehicle to a VW dealership and let them change the lights".  No joke.  Crazy helpful, right?  But Jeff is resourceful and used You Tube's help.  And even with all the instructions in the world, anyone successfully doing anything under the hood of my car is impressive.  I mean, I drive a Beetle.  The hood is teeny tiny, and all the parts are crammed together several layers deep.  So I have learned, don't ever own a Beetle if you plan on doing ANY of your own auto work.  And yay Jeff!

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