Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

frightening thoughts

So... I'm slighty (ok, maybe more than slightly) afraid that my kid is going to be born a crazy sugar-craving monster because the only things that don't make me feel sick to eat are sugary things like cookies, or super bad for you things like McDonald's fries.  Yum... On the rare occasion that I crave veggies, I eat them like crazy to try to balance out the bad food that I told myself I would never eat while pregnant.  Yeah, well I also told myself I was going to do prenatal yoga every day.  Ha!  I got through 8 minutes of a prenatal yoga video once before I felt like hurling.  And that was it.  But it's ok.  If ever I feel like I'm the worst (soon-to-be) parent ever, I can just go to Walmart and feel sooo much better about myself.  Come on people, you all think it too.  I mean, have you ever been to  It's the funniest site ever!!!

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