Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

canine alarm clock

So once again we're babysitting my baby puppy brother Finley, while my parents go off to Disneyland without us.  Somehow Finely got it into his head that I need to get out of bed at the same time Jeff does.  Jeff gets up to go to work at 5am, and I like to sleep in, so this really is not ok.  But the past 4 days in a row, Finley will jump onto the bed the second Jeff gets up, and start licking my face to death and smacking the rest of me with his tail cause he's all excited and wants me to get up.  Ugh.  Oh course, the second I finally do get up, Finley looses interest and wants to take an insanely long nap on the couch.  Wish I could fall back asleep as easily.  The stinker.

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