Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, August 6, 2010

things that make Luna unhappy

Well, that list is actually kinda long, but #1 would definitely be Finley spending the weekend with us (so my parents could go to Boise Idaho for the weekend.  No, I'm not kidding).  Finley is super cute and cuddly and scruffy (see picture from several days ago), but he thinks its perfectly acceptable to jump up on the bed with me (only after Jeff gets up though.  Its so weird.  And he does it every day even though we both make him get down right away) and curl up in Luna's spot while Luna glares at him from her safe place on our windowsill.  Finley also takes her place on the couch, and she likes to sit on the floor in the next room and glare at Finley, even though he doesn't ever notice.  He's too busy sleeping, smacking and licking.  Three inches away from Jeff's ear.

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