Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I give you fair warning: this will be long

I take about a million pictures of Luna every day (to the point where I'm a bit frightened how overboard I might go picture wise when we have kids!), but there's all so darn cute, I just have to share them.
So, to start out, here's a reason why (in pictures of course) it takes me so long to crochet ANYTHING.
And of course, she wants to take a nap on the blanket I'm trying to make... because now since she's been up for an hour or so, it's nap time...
but she can't just sleep in the same place all day, she has to wake up and sleep somewhere new every few hours...
(sometimes Jeff needs a nap too...)
but of course, with all the super comfy places to sleep in the house, she repetitively picks a cardboard box.  Weirdo.

And that is a photo diary of a typical day at our house.

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