Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cutest Kitty Ever Pictures...again.

Sorry for the upchuck of photos today.  I always forget to upload new ones onto my computer, and then I do it all at once.  Anyway, the first two I love.  It's the "Oh, ignore me.  I'm totally not taking a nap in the bag of yarn you brought out to use."  I don't have a picture of it, but at one point she fell asleep with her front paws stretched straight out and the whole front half of her was asleep in the bag.  Luna seriously LOVES yarn.  I would get her her own skein of it to play with, but I'm afraid she would attack MY yarn even more, and we're getting to the point already where I can barely crochet because she could be asleep on the other side of the house, but hearing yarn and a crochet hook (which makes like no sound) will wake her up, and she will come running, pounce on the yarn, and yell "Mine!", and then try to take a nap on the yarn.  Every time. Grr. The second two are what happened after Jeff begged me to read the paper so he could spread it all over the place and give Luna a "playground" (his word).  The first playground picture is a "spot the kitty" picture, but I like the second one, because she looks confused (and therefore she looks like she always does) Burn!  Anyway, how cute is Luna?!  Our cat is SO not spoiled.  Yeah right...

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