Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 23, 2012

so exhausted

There is nothing like throwing a party (in this case Liam's first birthday party.  Yay!) to make you realize your house is a disaster.  The last two weeks Jeff and I have been slowing cleaning things up or putting junk away.  Needless to say I am going to be very happy and lazy the day after the party.  However, our house is starting to finally look amazing, like things I have hated that we changed but should have really changed 3 1/2 years ago when we moved in.  Anyway, I promise I will have pictures, but I want to wait until the house is done and decorated because if Jeff does all the crazy things he TELLS me he will, then it will be awesome.  I can't wait!

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