Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 2, 2012

it doesn't get better than this

I love having a trampoline in our yard!

Such a sweet boy.  He even kept his hat on most of the day.  Poor kid has such fine hair I didn't want his scalp to burn.

Liam has midget feet.  I didn't even know Converse came in size 2!  Sad I couldn't get a better picture, but teeny Converse are the cutest!
I can't wait until Liam's birthday party!  We went to his cousin's first birthday party yesterday and Liam really liked the present opening.  Big shock, right?  He wanted to help and then he wanted to play with all the recently unwrapped toys.  I think he was actually a little confused, because his cousin got a set of toy cars that Liam has at home and Liam gave us this look that said, "Um, these are supposed to be in my room.  And why do these have weird packaging on them?  Oh well, I'm just going to barge right in and play with them."  I swear, that is totally what he said.  But to be fair, he did try to share the cars with his cousins.

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