Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

so much going on (aka a whole slew of pictures) or, why ita pain when my computer doesn't feel like connecting to the internet for a few days

We had such a fun Easter weekend!  Liam made new friends, went on two egg hunts, and played at the playground.  So far, he's not really a fan of play equipment (swings make him cry), but is this not the cutest outfit (and boy) you've ever seen?

Liam seemed to enjoy his first egg hunt, even though he was a bit clueless.  We got some plastic eggs to practice egg hunting with Liam, but Liam hid them before we could practice! 

Liam's famous "scrunchie face".  He does this all the time because he thinks he's funny

love this kiddo!

this kitchen disaster happened in about 2 minutes.  Imagine Liam doing this to the whole house.  That's what my house looks like.  Ugh.

My midget footed kiddo finally fits (close enough) into his cute bear booties.

Liam's favorite book.  A baby animal touch and feel book.

Liam decided that touching the soft bits wasn't enough.  He wanted to lick it.  What a huge goof.

Never allow 18 year olds to hid eggs for a toddler's egg hunt!

examining the goods.  The boys got matching Easter outfits from their Nana.  Aren't they so cute concentrating?

twins are so amusing.  Jeff and Jeremy just happened to keep doing the same poses.  He he!

more twininess

our little family!  (sorry about my boobs, it's hard to find higher cut shirts!)

Liam's favorite DIY fort.  After he takes out all my pot lids and spreads them throughout the house of course.  I found one in my nightstand recently.

I've had wrist pain recently so I went to the doctor today.  Apparently I have tendonitis, so I have to wear the most hideous brace ever for a month.  Ugh.  Anyway, that's what you've missed this last week at our house.  Crazy messy fun.

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