Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pregnancy Brain

I will be very happy to have the full use of my brain again.  It was pointed out to me that I have indeed been to Washington.  A fact that I don't know how I could have forgotten because it was only two years ago!  I swear I am not normally such a space cadet.  Mostly...  Maybe that's why it took me so long to put Liam's stroller together yesterday.  It came from Fed Ex squished in a box with all small pieces detached.  When I was 5 I had a fully functional toolbox (including a sharp metal saw.  What were my parents thinking?!) and I knew how to use everything in there.  And as of today I have put together at least half of our furniture (Ikea of course) by myself.  So I am so stranger to assembling random things.  However, it took me at least a half hour to put together a stroller.  It did make me feel better that the stroller company included an instruction booklet that was like 20 pages long.  However, they placed the booklet in the center of the stroller so you couldn't see or reach it until you unfolded the whole thing, which was a process in and of itself.  At least our new stroller is large and heavy duty.  If I had had so much trouble with say, and umbrella stroller, now that would have been embarrassing.

And on an unrelated note, the car seat has now been installed in Jeff's car, and Liam will be full term this weekend, so I vote he just pops right out this weekend.  This of course relates to my quote of the day, "Patience is for people who aren't pregnant."  -Liesl

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha

    when I read it I though you meant DC since I knew you went to forks!
