Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh so helpful

Apparently during this last trimester I have begun the wonderful nocturnal habit of snoring.  It's gotten to the point where Jeff got up and slept in the guest room last night to get away from me.  I felt really bad because my snoring woke him up.  Then I got confused when I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that Jeff, his pillow, and his alarm clock had vanished.  Luna was pretty darn confused too.  She has her routine, and that routine includes sleeping with Jeff in our bed.  If he is gone, she goes crazy and will sit at the foot of the bed staring at our doorway waiting for him.  Poor kitty.  Anyway, since I felt bad about the snoring I went to a few websites to see how to stop it, if possible.  The first three sites I found were supposed to help pregnant women specifically stop snoring.  Unfortunately the best advice they could give was all the same.
A) stop drinking
B) stop smoking
ummm, aren't I supposed to do that anyway?  Wow, what helpful sites...

1 comment:

  1. Tell Jeff the internet says chocolate cake and pizza both help, just don't tell him the internet = tova commenting on your blog. I'm a chemist, so I'm pretty sure those are scientific facts.
