Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 18, 2011

I suck at waiting

So I've got two weeks left until Liam's due date... The car seat has been installed, the hospital bag is in the trunk, our house is full of baby everything, his clothes have been washed, sized and put away.  Really, there's not much left that I can do.  We've even baby-proofed the house already.  Did I mention I still have two weeks left?  And everyone I know who's had/having babies recently has been AT LEAST 5 days late.  I've also read every baby book I own (which is a rather large number).  Waiting sucks.

Dear Liam,
Please get here now.  I hate waiting.  I'm bored.  I keep accidentally running into things with my stomach.  I had to get out of bed to use the restroom three times last night, and none of my clothes fit.  Plus, if you are late, you will be in big trouble and I might ground you until you turn 18.  So please please please come a few days early.  Plus, I really don't want to be induced, because I hear that sucks.  Be nice to your mom and come now.

I'm going to loose my mind.

1 comment:

  1. start crocheting and see how big of a blanket you can make before he comes!
