Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh so cute and fluffy!

So it looks like we might have rats in our attic.  Jeff made me google ways to get rid of them, but every page I looked at with photos of rats just made me go all googoo eyed and say, "Ah, look how cute they are!  They're so fuzzy!"  I can't help it.  I'm one of the only people I know who has ever had a rat for a pet.  Justin was awesome by the way.  I think that instead of getting rid of our rats the rats could:

A) be best friends with Luna
B) learn to cook with me like in Ratatouille
C) sing with me like in Cinderella

Don't those sound like much better options?  Besides, all other ways seem to involve us having to torture or poison cute little rats, and then dump them in the trash ourselves.  And that just sounds smelly and disgusting.

Oh, random quote of the day (and its context, which helps a lot)
"Oh, so I have to pee in the attic?" -Jeff (on me telling him that to get rid of rats we're supposed to make the attic smell like detergent or ammonia because rats hate clean smells.


  1. actually i have heard that to prevent unwanted cats from coming in the yard, man pee is often a good non toxic solution. The cats smell the pheromones and go elsewhere, since peeing = dibs.

  2. which is a totally awkward comment to leave on your blog, and it will look super out of context in the sidebar. Hahaha
