Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yeah, I know

Yeah, it's been forever since I last posted.  Life has been a little hectic.  Added of course by the fact that Jeff and I will become parents next year (scary thought).  I know, you already know because you saw my new ticker first.  Anyway, we are soooo excited!  We had been trying for a while (and I had been wanting one for much longer than that!), and now that it's finally happening, we can't wait!  Jeff has been so adorable, he has a sign language book for babies, and has looked through a few of my pregnancy books (which I bought several of, and they are probably the most abundant type of book found at goodwill).  Unfortunately I am in that annoying phase where 1. My stomach is larger, but it looks far more like a beer gut (eeew) and less like a baby bump, while at the same time, I am in-between regular and maternity clothes.  So nothing fits well, or looks good.  Awesome, right?  Yeah, not so much.  and 2. I am completely baby crazed because we had our first ultrasound and everything looks healthy (in fact, the nurse had trouble taking pictures because the baby wanted to have a dance party instead of pose!), but I don't find out the gender until early December, and can't do much planning until I know it.  I suppose it really doesn't help that I work at a kid's clothing store, and everytime I see something cute (which, is daily) I want to buy it!!! But I refuse to buy gender specific clothes until I know what it is.  Grr.  I have realized that pregnancy is super annoying for the impatient people out there (like me!)  However, I keep looking up nursery ideas and name ideas for both genders (a bit obsessively), and that helps a little.  I just feel like I should be productive for once, and I can't be.  On the plus side though, for anyone pregnant or planning on becoming so, if you have crappy crappy morning sickness like me I have wonderful news for you!  Vitamin B6 pills, and Trader Joe's ginger snaps (with ginger pieces in them) are a godsend!!!!!  Seriously, they make me happy happy!  Well, enough of me and my baby talk, which, let's face it, is probably the only thing you'll read about on this blog for... well, forever.  Just so you know.

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