Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 25, 2010

pregnancy brain x 2

So I'm a little bit of a spaz normally, but now I'm  extra worse at forgetting some things.  For instance, the other night I was making minestrone soup, something I've done a million times and could make blindfolded (actually that sounds kind of messy...).  Anyway, my recipe is super easy (and yummy).

minestrone soup

vegetable broth
various spices
kidney beans
white beans

I just add whatever amounts I want of everything and it always turns out well.  This time I was pouring it into bowls for dinner, thinking there was something missing, when I realized I had completely forgotten to add carrots or beans.  So all everything of substance in my soup was tomatoes zucchini, and pasta.  That's it.  So that's me being a spaz.  Jeff on the other hand has no excuse.  He is not pregnant and apparently crazy.  But he is forgetful in general.  Let's just say the next few months could get pretty interesting with the amnesia twins (us).  Yesterday Jeff parked his car outside so we could get access to the attic (directly over where Jeff's spot is) to get the Halloween decorations down.  He parked outside, closed the garage door, and walked into the house.  That's as close as we got to getting the decorations down.

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