Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 25, 2010

distracting the cat

Sorry for the upchuck of photos today and nothing other days.  I'm awful about uploading my camera.  It's just too annoying to do very often.

Anyway, I recently mentioned that Jeff has to distract Luna every time I have sewing projects.  It's really hard to tell which of them has more fun with the "distractions", which makes it all the more cuter to watch!
I didn't manage to get very good pictures because they were moving too fast, but here's the most of it.  Jeff built Luna a fort using leftover material and our piano bench.  Luna would hide in it and spy on us.  Then Jeff wrapped fabric around both of them and they chased each other up and down the hallway for a while.  I swear, Luna doesn't know she's a cat.  Anyway, they were both shrieking and having a good old time.  Then Luna got bored and decided that she was Godzilla and her fort was downtown Tokyo.  Then she hid in her fabric again and spied on us.  This whole thing lasted at least an hour.  It was highly entertaining.

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