Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doesn't everyone?

I am starting to realize that Luna is treated slightly better than the average house cat.  My example of this (and I'm only using one example or this post would apparently be never ending) is that Luna loves to curl up on the window seat and stare out at the birds.  She likes this best when the window is open so she can get all the nice fresh air.  Well, when it gets cold she still likes the window open, but she feels cold, and sometimes shivers a little, so I wrap her up in a comfy fleece blanket so she can continue doing what she loves.  I have been told lately that this is not normal.  Well, I guess we've established why Luna is awesome and gives us kisses upon request (or also whenever she feels like it).  Take that!

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