Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween!  Dressing up and having a themed party is just awesome. Plus, I'm just so excited that I finished that costumes and the food, etc.  with the wonderful help of Jeff and Carra of course.  Granted, fixing our hair took a bit longer that we thought, but at least we weren't still ironing our costumes in our living room at the time the party was supposed to start...oh well.  Fun times for everyone!
If you can't tell, Jeff's a DVD pirate and I'm Brittany from Glee.

Friday, October 29, 2010


10 pm the night before our Halloween party and I just finished sewing the costumes.  Woohoo!!!  Now to start the cooking and cleaning... it might be a long night.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

tearing my hair out

it is rather obnoxious when you are sewing something on a deadline and Joann's runs out of the same thing you have.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

pregnancy brain definition

when you turn off the shower and start to reach for your towel and you realize you are still covered in shower gel.

need v. want

Jeff doesn't seem to understand that I NEED french fries.  Not boring protein.  And he needs to be nice to the grumpy pregnant lady.


Dear second trimester,
please get here ASAP.  I would love even a small piece of a day where my stomach doesn't feel like its on a never ending evil roller-coaster, which by the way, I used to love.  But now? Forget about it!  Aaaaaargh!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I love

the cute noises cats make when they sleep.  Especially if it is snoring.

Monday, October 25, 2010

silly questions

the two silliest questions I have been asked today were asked in the same conversation today.
1. Do you mind if I make brownies?
2. If I make brownies will you eat some of them?

to do list for today

1. take a long nap curled up in front of the space heater.
2. ignore everything else.

distracting the cat

Sorry for the upchuck of photos today and nothing other days.  I'm awful about uploading my camera.  It's just too annoying to do very often.

Anyway, I recently mentioned that Jeff has to distract Luna every time I have sewing projects.  It's really hard to tell which of them has more fun with the "distractions", which makes it all the more cuter to watch!
I didn't manage to get very good pictures because they were moving too fast, but here's the most of it.  Jeff built Luna a fort using leftover material and our piano bench.  Luna would hide in it and spy on us.  Then Jeff wrapped fabric around both of them and they chased each other up and down the hallway for a while.  I swear, Luna doesn't know she's a cat.  Anyway, they were both shrieking and having a good old time.  Then Luna got bored and decided that she was Godzilla and her fort was downtown Tokyo.  Then she hid in her fabric again and spied on us.  This whole thing lasted at least an hour.  It was highly entertaining.

sewing + cat =annoyed you/ happy cat

When I tried to cut out fabric, she at one point dove into the fabric, grabbed a huge handful and wrapped herself up like a burrito with it.  In about 2 seconds flat.  WHILE I WAS CUTTING FABRIC!!!!  I learned quickly that she must be locked in another room, or be distracted by Jeff while I do sewing anything.  Pictures on that coming up!  And then she would steal my chair every time I got up.  I think this is why I don't sew as often anymore...

concerned (note my sarcasm)

this is my lap by the way

I just really am concerned that Luna doesn't know how to make herself comfortable enough.
With the exception of the striped blanket in the last picture none of these were posed or set up at all.

pregnancy brain x 2

So I'm a little bit of a spaz normally, but now I'm  extra worse at forgetting some things.  For instance, the other night I was making minestrone soup, something I've done a million times and could make blindfolded (actually that sounds kind of messy...).  Anyway, my recipe is super easy (and yummy).

minestrone soup

vegetable broth
various spices
kidney beans
white beans

I just add whatever amounts I want of everything and it always turns out well.  This time I was pouring it into bowls for dinner, thinking there was something missing, when I realized I had completely forgotten to add carrots or beans.  So all everything of substance in my soup was tomatoes zucchini, and pasta.  That's it.  So that's me being a spaz.  Jeff on the other hand has no excuse.  He is not pregnant and apparently crazy.  But he is forgetful in general.  Let's just say the next few months could get pretty interesting with the amnesia twins (us).  Yesterday Jeff parked his car outside so we could get access to the attic (directly over where Jeff's spot is) to get the Halloween decorations down.  He parked outside, closed the garage door, and walked into the house.  That's as close as we got to getting the decorations down.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doesn't everyone?

I am starting to realize that Luna is treated slightly better than the average house cat.  My example of this (and I'm only using one example or this post would apparently be never ending) is that Luna loves to curl up on the window seat and stare out at the birds.  She likes this best when the window is open so she can get all the nice fresh air.  Well, when it gets cold she still likes the window open, but she feels cold, and sometimes shivers a little, so I wrap her up in a comfy fleece blanket so she can continue doing what she loves.  I have been told lately that this is not normal.  Well, I guess we've established why Luna is awesome and gives us kisses upon request (or also whenever she feels like it).  Take that!

not normal

So I knew long ago that Luna wasn't normal.  I think the exact moment I realized she thought she was human and not feline was when she had to start sleeping between Jeff and I at night.  And if that weren't enough, she likes to snuggle up with Jeff, have her head on a pillow, and when its cold she sleeps under the comforter with just her head and front arm sticking out.  If she can't sleep like this she gets all miffed and tries to push Jeff off the bed entirely so she can have his whole side of the bed.  Have you ever seen a tiny cat try to push a fully grown man off a bed?  I assure you, it is not a sight to be missed!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's a Boy! (not mine)

I'm going to be an Auntie to a baby boy!  We just found out this morning what Alicia is having.  Not counting Alicia or the two doctors, there were five of us squished into the ultrasound room.  If they had allowed cameras in there I totally would have taken a picture, because it was kind of funny.  I'm just excited to be able to shop for specifics now, or make baby crafts in the correct colors.  Look for Vincent Michael coming in March 2011!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

the bump

So I was at looking up random pregnancy stuff, because I'm crazy and have free time, and I came across a message board posting that I think gives new meaning to "food cravings".  The post title was (and I am not making this up!) "I would shank someone for an orange".  Yeah... So glad I haven't yet gone THAT crazy.  Although I do eat a lot of oranges lately...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

sewing projects

Sewing projects are a bad idea if you are pregnant.  Somewhere in between measuring yourself and finding out you fit the middle size the pattern comes in, and actually cutting your size out, you re-measure yourself and find out that you no longer fit the waist section of the pattern in any way.  Oh yeah, this will be fun.  Never again will I be pregnant and sew a costume for a specific event.  By the way, the fact that I am going to be a pregnant cheerleader (on accident) for Halloween is hilarious to me.  Maybe I should should be Quinn from Glee instead of Brittany.

Yeah, I know

Yeah, it's been forever since I last posted.  Life has been a little hectic.  Added of course by the fact that Jeff and I will become parents next year (scary thought).  I know, you already know because you saw my new ticker first.  Anyway, we are soooo excited!  We had been trying for a while (and I had been wanting one for much longer than that!), and now that it's finally happening, we can't wait!  Jeff has been so adorable, he has a sign language book for babies, and has looked through a few of my pregnancy books (which I bought several of, and they are probably the most abundant type of book found at goodwill).  Unfortunately I am in that annoying phase where 1. My stomach is larger, but it looks far more like a beer gut (eeew) and less like a baby bump, while at the same time, I am in-between regular and maternity clothes.  So nothing fits well, or looks good.  Awesome, right?  Yeah, not so much.  and 2. I am completely baby crazed because we had our first ultrasound and everything looks healthy (in fact, the nurse had trouble taking pictures because the baby wanted to have a dance party instead of pose!), but I don't find out the gender until early December, and can't do much planning until I know it.  I suppose it really doesn't help that I work at a kid's clothing store, and everytime I see something cute (which, is daily) I want to buy it!!! But I refuse to buy gender specific clothes until I know what it is.  Grr.  I have realized that pregnancy is super annoying for the impatient people out there (like me!)  However, I keep looking up nursery ideas and name ideas for both genders (a bit obsessively), and that helps a little.  I just feel like I should be productive for once, and I can't be.  On the plus side though, for anyone pregnant or planning on becoming so, if you have crappy crappy morning sickness like me I have wonderful news for you!  Vitamin B6 pills, and Trader Joe's ginger snaps (with ginger pieces in them) are a godsend!!!!!  Seriously, they make me happy happy!  Well, enough of me and my baby talk, which, let's face it, is probably the only thing you'll read about on this blog for... well, forever.  Just so you know.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

quote of the day

this quote comes from a two-year old at work (while her mom was carrying her around the store).

"Mom, you can put me down.  I promise I won't break anything."
This, by the way, was said with a straight face, and it was the funniest/ cutest thing ever.