Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

with great power comes great responsibility

Ok, so its probably not a normal thought, but doing gardening has never been my favorite thing.  Not because its dirty or messy, but because I feel bad for the worms.  I did a tooooon of weeding this weekend to make the yard presentable for Liam's first birthday party and I learned that there are about 4,000,000,000 worms just in our backyard.  Every time I pulled up a weed I'd feel guilty because at least a few worms would come up with the roots and either freak out or crawl over to attack me (I'm assuming at least).  To make this weirder, I'm totally not even a fan of worms.  I know they are helpful in the garden, but they gross me out and I'm never touched one.  Eew.  But still, moving them from their homes in the roots makes me want to build them a nice replacement home, like a birdhouse mansion but with dirt inside.  Worms would like that, right?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

how to freak out an advice nurse

Liam was sick yesterday so I called the advice nurse.  We were talking for a while when Liam started playing with his VERY loud fire truck toy right next to the phone.  The nurse freaked out and thought that I had called an ambulance to the house.  Oops.  Needless to say, (after I spent a few minutes calming her down, she should cut out caffeine) she was quite relieved that the noise came from a toy. 


When everything has been going wrong on a given day, what is the best way to get over it and be productive again?  I feel so zoned out and blah.  I'm kinda afraid to start anything new right now because I'm sure they will get messed up like everything else today.  Argh!  Also, what is the best way to get vomit scent of of a car?

Monday, April 23, 2012

what is going on???

this is what was in my mailbox today:

1) ads addressed to "resident"
2) a credit card application for me (whoop-de-doo)
3) three important looking large envelopes addressed to three different people (entirely different names, but strangely all Hispanic), none of which live here or have lived here for the past 3 1/2 years.

At least there were no bills.  But still, sad day.  I am totally hopeful for a magazine tomorrow to make up for the pathetic mail today.

so exhausted

There is nothing like throwing a party (in this case Liam's first birthday party.  Yay!) to make you realize your house is a disaster.  The last two weeks Jeff and I have been slowing cleaning things up or putting junk away.  Needless to say I am going to be very happy and lazy the day after the party.  However, our house is starting to finally look amazing, like things I have hated that we changed but should have really changed 3 1/2 years ago when we moved in.  Anyway, I promise I will have pictures, but I want to wait until the house is done and decorated because if Jeff does all the crazy things he TELLS me he will, then it will be awesome.  I can't wait!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

pure sunshine (accurately describes these cupcakes and my cutie pie toddler)

Yesterday was Liam's first birthday and I thought cupcakes would be a better idea than cake because this way he could squish his face in it without wasting almost a whole cake.  Then I had to figure out what flavor cupcakes.  Chocolate seemed a bit much, and vanilla is sooo boring, so I decided on Orange Creamsicle.  This recipe is semi-homemade and therefore way easy.  It smells like Jeff's favorite Jamba Juice and looks like pure sunshine.  These are fantastic.  If you want to go a bit healthier only make a half batch of the frosting (you'll still have enough to to a light layer on each cupcake).  So here is the yummy recipe and I will have birthday photos up soon!

Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes

  • 1 package white cake mix
  • 1 (4 serving size) package cheesecake instant pudding mix
  • 1 (3 oz.) package orange flavored Jello
  • 1 1/4 cups orange juice
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line two cupcake pans with paper liners. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Pour batter into liners, filling each 2/3 full. Bake for 18-20 minutes. Allow to cool on a rack.
Orange Creamsicle Frosting
  • 1 8 oz. package cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 6 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon orange extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • orange food coloring
Allow cream cheese and butter to stand at room temperature and soften. In a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, butter, orange extract and vanilla. Gradually add powdered sugar. Divide frosting into two bowls, add orange food coloring to one bowl.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

so much going on (aka a whole slew of pictures) or, why ita pain when my computer doesn't feel like connecting to the internet for a few days

We had such a fun Easter weekend!  Liam made new friends, went on two egg hunts, and played at the playground.  So far, he's not really a fan of play equipment (swings make him cry), but is this not the cutest outfit (and boy) you've ever seen?

Liam seemed to enjoy his first egg hunt, even though he was a bit clueless.  We got some plastic eggs to practice egg hunting with Liam, but Liam hid them before we could practice! 

Liam's famous "scrunchie face".  He does this all the time because he thinks he's funny

love this kiddo!

this kitchen disaster happened in about 2 minutes.  Imagine Liam doing this to the whole house.  That's what my house looks like.  Ugh.

My midget footed kiddo finally fits (close enough) into his cute bear booties.

Liam's favorite book.  A baby animal touch and feel book.

Liam decided that touching the soft bits wasn't enough.  He wanted to lick it.  What a huge goof.

Never allow 18 year olds to hid eggs for a toddler's egg hunt!

examining the goods.  The boys got matching Easter outfits from their Nana.  Aren't they so cute concentrating?

twins are so amusing.  Jeff and Jeremy just happened to keep doing the same poses.  He he!

more twininess

our little family!  (sorry about my boobs, it's hard to find higher cut shirts!)

Liam's favorite DIY fort.  After he takes out all my pot lids and spreads them throughout the house of course.  I found one in my nightstand recently.

I've had wrist pain recently so I went to the doctor today.  Apparently I have tendonitis, so I have to wear the most hideous brace ever for a month.  Ugh.  Anyway, that's what you've missed this last week at our house.  Crazy messy fun.

Monday, April 9, 2012

the most amazing thing you will ever read

Nothing I can say will be as entertaining as this link, so just take my advice and read it.  The best craig's list roommate ads ever.  My personal fav is the "personal dinosaur."  And yes, you read that correctly.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

what is adorable, eats metal, and large amounts of food?yum

I'm getting a bit worried that when Liam is a teenager he will eat me out of house and home.  He's not even one yet and for lunch today he drank 8 ounces of milk and ate a whole banana.  OMG.

Good thing he's cute at least.

fun in the backyard.  This kid loves the outdoors!

a hat for me?

yum.  Metal splatter lid. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

it doesn't get better than this

I love having a trampoline in our yard!

Such a sweet boy.  He even kept his hat on most of the day.  Poor kid has such fine hair I didn't want his scalp to burn.

Liam has midget feet.  I didn't even know Converse came in size 2!  Sad I couldn't get a better picture, but teeny Converse are the cutest!
I can't wait until Liam's birthday party!  We went to his cousin's first birthday party yesterday and Liam really liked the present opening.  Big shock, right?  He wanted to help and then he wanted to play with all the recently unwrapped toys.  I think he was actually a little confused, because his cousin got a set of toy cars that Liam has at home and Liam gave us this look that said, "Um, these are supposed to be in my room.  And why do these have weird packaging on them?  Oh well, I'm just going to barge right in and play with them."  I swear, that is totally what he said.  But to be fair, he did try to share the cars with his cousins.