Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 23, 2011

time flies

I can't believe my little guy is 5 weeks old today!  He thinks he is soo cool because he can hold his head up for a little while, and because he's outgrown several of his newborn sized outfits.  I'm just glad he likes to cuddle (and hopefully will continue to like cuddling for a long time), and sometimes sleeps for long enough to let me do a bunch of chores.  Yay!  Not that chores are fun at all, but if I didn't do them, Jeff wouldn't either, and then CPS would come and take Liam away because trash would be pouring out our windows, and the house would stink.  Plus, we would have no clean clothes or dishes.  And that would be bad.

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