Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 19, 2011

time flies

Yesterday Liam was one month old, and today's is Luna's birthday.  She's four.  I can't believe my two babies are getting so old!  So far my present for Luna this year is that I won't take a picture of her wearing a tiara like I did last year.  That will make her very happy.  Jeff always calls me a pushover, but I guarantee he'll come home from work today with a bag of kitty toys from Petsmart.  Luna is kinda hard to shop for though.  If she liked soft kitty treats (or any kitty treats at all) I would shape them into a cake shape and put a candle on it or something.  But the only thing she really likes is squeaky plush mice and she has about ten of them already.

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