Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Today I was bored because Liam was throwing a fit when I tried to set him down while sleeping.  I don't know how the kid can tell whether he's sleeping on my lap or on the couch, but he can.  Anyway, to pass some time I turned on Glee.  Yay!  I was watching the season one finale, and I don't remember what my reaction was the first time I watched it, but this time I was totally crying during any Quinn & baby scenes.  I don't know if it's because I have Liam now, or because I'm freakishly tired, or what, but those scenes had me massively tearing up (and feeling really happy that I had a c-section and didn't have to push!).  That just looked awful.  Although I like to think that I wouldn't have yelled at Jeff the way Quinn yelled at Puck.  I would hopefully be a little nicer.

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