Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

still here

Yes, I am still here.  I am finding that it is really hard to keep up with a blog AND a baby.  Generally I am either feeding or holding Liam, and when he's asleep I either fall asleep too, or I forget all the cool stuff I was planning on writing about.  Then when I do write anything, it is normally "look at how cute my kid is!".  I've also found it difficult to write on weekends when Jeff can watch Liam because any time he sees me type anything he thinks I'm writing a blog, and then he makes fun of me mercilessly.  Nice, huh?  Anyway, Liam's asleep, Jeff's at work, I've showered and the house is clean.  Of course I still don't remember the awesome things I was planning on writing about, but to make this post worthwhile, here's this...
heehee!  The monkey looks like an old man!  Monkeys rock.

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