Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I think the best part of my job is dressing mannequins. There are currently 34 of them in my store that were dressed by me. That's all but 2 of the total. It's great. They hand you huge headless dolls, and you get to dress them in cute clothes and pose them looking all cute. Sound familiar? Yup, it's like you're five years old again and playing dress up or playing with dolls (or both! Woohoo, it's the best of both worlds). Even better than that though is when you are doing this on the work floor while the store is open, because if you are also rudely stripping the dolls to redress them there is always at least one stupid person who freaks out because they think you are handling a real child. It normally takes them a minute or so to realize "hey, those kids don't have heads, fingers or toes, and are made of fabric. I guess they aren't real." It's kinda funny. The best part though, about doing mannequins is that you're mostly excused from the annoying customer service bits, or trying to make people open a new credit card (you know, the parts of the job you're normally SUPPOSED TO DO).

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