Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Princess's Birthday

So yesterday was the Princess's birthday. This picture is an example of how I have the best kitty ever, because really, how many cats would put up with wearing a tiara for pictures ( I took a bunch)? By the way, she has good reason to wear a tiara.
1. I said so, and I like sparkly things.
2. It's tiny and fit her perfectly, so it was like a sign.
3. Jeff calls her "Princess Princess" (because she is a princess and her name is Princess), and all princesses wear tiaras.
I know she looks a little grumpy in the picture, but it's not because of me. It's because Finley is staying with us, and she really dislikes him. She's kinda a diva.

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