Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Adventures of...

So I decided to prepare everyone (and by that I suppose I really mean Tova, and perhaps Jeff) for the coming adventures of "The Coffeenator" and "The Devourer of Books". This of course being Carra and myself.  Why the random superhero-esque names you ask?  Um, we were bored?  The better question I think is why we picked those specific names.  Carra works at Starbucks (enough said), and I do things like read half a dozen or so novels I week (partially because I have too much free time, and partially because I get hooked onto various series and can't stop until I've read them all).  Um, so far there are no adventures because we've only just picked cool names... But we warned!  Someday soon you will read of majorly retarded things involving "The Coffeenator" (not to be confused with Ralph Nader) and "The Devourer of Books".  This is your heads up.

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