Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


You know you've had a productive morning when you can safely compare yourself to Mandy Moore in the beginning of Tangled.  It massively helps when your baby sleeps in until nine am too.  Seriously, any time you want to feel good about yourself, make a list of everything you did .  Although it helps if you are actually a productive person (or just having a really good day...).  By nine am today I:

showered and got dressed
fixed my hair (believe me that takes time!)
cleaned the house
did 2 loads of laundry
made scones (blueberry with lemon curd on top.  Yum!)
paid the bills
checked my email
read the paper
made coffee
did the dishes
straightened up the house
played with Luna


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