Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ever busy

It is impossible for me to look at Liam and not crack a huge smile.  He is just so cute!  This is the most active kid ever.  I start everyday thinking my house is baby proofed, and by noon I've found several things the fix.  He uses his toys as step stools to reach things he shouldn't, like the TV.  He figured out how to open the bathroom doors while they are latched closed, he walked eight steps the other day, he loves every kind of food he's ever tried, and he is also an exhibitionist.  I kid you not.  He knows how to magically shimmy out of most of his pants.  It is not  uncommon to see him play in a shirt and a diaper while his pants are in a pile across the room.  This kiddo is just so cute, smart and happy that it is impossible not to be obsessed with him.
ignore ugly Mommy.  Is this not the cutest baby ever?

bath time!

he gets into the cutest positions while he sleeps

all remaining kitchen cabinets are so getting baby proofed tonight!

where did the pants go?

his favorite kitchen drawer.  I never have clean towels now.

he loves the fridge magnets, a necessity in a house with kids, don't you think?

Liam and cousin Vin.  They are so cute together!

cute little Vin+87

two stair climbing speed demons

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