Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 19, 2012

so different

When I was a kid many of my toys were made of wood, and that was normal.  The new normal is eco-friendly.  I knew that was true for adults, but I never really thought about eco-friendly things in the world of kids before.  Last night we went to Toys R Us and saw a whole bunch of toys made from recycled materials, and toys to get you in the mindset of recycling, etc.  The cutest was a kitchen playset complete with a mini recycling bin and a hook to hang your cloth shopping bag on.  So cute!  Of course Jeff said all the kitchens were too girly (going so far as to liken getting a neutral colored kitchen to getting a pink barbie car) and he would rather Liam only get a grill set, but that's another story.  Besides, I'm planning on teaching Liam to cook and bake so matter what either boy says.  So there.

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