Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I could not make this up if I tried

I was looking up free novels for my NOOK cause I'm thrifty that way, when I came across a book so awful I might just have to download so that I can make more fun of it.  The book is "Susan Slutt Solves the mystery".  This was part the actual description given:

"Porkerville is hosting a sleuthing convention, and all the great detectives are there: Fancy Few, the Baccardi Boys, the Boobsey Twins, the Dinah Girls...."

How do books like this even get published?  All I can say is "wow".  This the the winner of my new award.  The "Worst book of the week" award.  Congratulations!

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