Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thank Heaven for little boys

Why haven't I posted in a while, you ask?  It's because Liam doesn't like to allow me spare time.  I really don't mind because he is the funniest kid I've ever met, but downtime is really awesome when I get it.  How does Liam keep me busy?  Well, for starters his top four front teeth all decided to pop out at the same time.  That was a super fun teething process.  Also, Liam realized that he is tall enough to stand up against the trash can and reach around in it.  This resulted in him eating/ sitting on (somehow) chicken bouillon powder.  He had the powder all over his face and butt, and when I changed his clothes the powder flew everywhere.  At the same time, he also grabbed orange peels and got rather peeved at me for reaching in his mouth and taking them out.  Then he managed to find the only cabinet I forgot to childproof (the china cabinet of course), but luckily didn't break anything.  Yay!  ALL of my cabinets are now childproofed.  He also likes to take anything he can (DVDs, toys, etc.) of of shelves and spread them out all over the floor.

So yes, Liam keeps me on my toes, but he giggles at the drop of a hat, says "Dada" all the time, and is all around the smartest, cutest little kid I have ever known.  Man, I am so biased.  And also right.
Normally he makes an even bigger mess

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